68 Days: My Year End Goal

Inspiration and goal setting

Inspiration and goal setting

As of right this second (I guess depending on where you live in the world and time zones and all that), there are 68 days left in 2014.

It’s crazy, because over the past few weeks I have heard multiple times, “Starting next year I’m going to ___,” or “My New Year’s Resolution will be ____” and I kind of want to punch these people (gently of course) in the throat.

What’s wrong with the 68 days still left to be lived before the new year actually kicks off?

A lot can happen in 68 days. It’s too early in the morning for me to do any research, but I would imagine you could lose a bunch of weight and develop some intense abs, you could start eating clean, you could save up a few bucks, you could start volunteering at a local charity, you could donate old clothes, you could start smiling more, you could be nicer, you could take cooking classes – those all seem to be reasonable things you could do in the next 68 days. There is no need to wait. I sound like an infomercial right there, but it’s true dammit.

I’m not a numbers girl, but I am. That probably doesn’t make much sense. As in, I am not good at math, especially fractions and percentages and such, but if you put a number in front of me in the form of a goal or “days left,” then I’m on it.

So here is my promise and my challenge to you. I’d LOVE to hear what goal you set for yourself in the remaining 68 days of 2014. 

I’ll start – my year end goal is to find a literary agent or publisher to get my book out. I made a HUGE leap to pick up and move to Hawaii last summer to write a ridiculously funny memoir (honestly, Chelsea Handler may offer me a job as her ghost writer once she reads it), but if I’m being honest, I haven’t worked very hard to find an agent.

So the quote above is extremely applicable to yours truly – never hope for it more than you work for it. I want my book to be published more than you could ever imagine, so it’s time to get to business and get it done. As I’ve said since day one: it’s too good not to.

Now it’s your turn – comment here with your goal. I’d love to hear it – no matter how big or small it is – remember, 68 days is still a lot of time left on the clock. 

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