The Season for Vicks


Vick’s DayQuil & NyQuil Severe

As the end of the year (i.e. holidays & cold season) approaches, I simply just don’t have time to be sick. You’re probably thinking – who actually has time to be sick?

But for me, as a freelance writer/entrepreneur, I absolutely have to end the year with a bang (the making money kind of bang). And that means I CAN’T GET SICK.

During these colder months, even here in Texas where the weather is unpredictable, I rely heavily on Vicks DayQuil Severe and Vicks NyQuil Severe to help keep me powering through the day and sleeping through the night. No matter how much I try to take care of myself with vitamins and other health regimes, I inevitably end up with some sort of cold or cold-like symptoms and it’s important to stop them from the start.

Pro-tip: I prefer caplets during the day (easier to carry in my bag) and the liquid formula at night as it coats my throat keeping me from coughing as much. 

Although the NyQuil Severe definitely helps me sleep, it’s the DayQuil Severe that really keeps me going with its non-drowsy pain relieving formula (the same one that gets rid of nasty decongestion, aches, fevers, sores, chest congestion and so much more). I have tried so many over-the-counter maximum strength medicines for cold and flu symptoms over the years, but this is the one I truly rely on. It helps keep me healthy and keeps me focused on writing without getting all loopy like some medicines.

Pro-tip: if I’m traveling for the holidays, I always bring it with me, especially overseas where it may not be available. 

A few other tips to stay healthy during the cold season (also known as end-of-year parties to many of us):

  • Drink more water than I think humanly possible. And then drink more.
  • Keep up my workout routine. My class schedules may change, but I still find at least 20-30 minutes for a 3-mile run or walk around the park with friends to get my heart rate up and Vitamin D!
  • Take Vitamin-C tablets along with my regular multi-vitamins.
  • Plan sensible meals – a lot of holiday parties only offer “light bites,” so I make it a point to plan out a night I know I have time to make grilled chicken and asparagus at home. It helps make up for those naughty nights where my diet consists of champagne and pigs in a blanket. Or Krispy Kreme, if I’m being honest.
  • Try to stick to a schedule. The holidays (long lunches, late night parties, writing Christmas cards, etc.) are always a busy time, but I do my best to remain on track as much as possible, including getting the same amount of sleep, setting alarms and stuff like that. Once my body feels off track even just a little, it leaves room for messy colds to creep in!

If you need to stock up on either the day or night-time Vicks products, use this code for a discount. And best of luck! In case you’re wondering, as an adult, this is the kind of stuff I now like in my stocking. Hint, Hint. 

The sportswriter in me most also note that if a Vicks product is good enough for Drew Brees, it’s certainly good enough for me!

This post is part of being selected as one of the top Women’s Health Action Heroes. 

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